However, to get full use of RemoteSight we do recommend using SecuritySpy or CaptureSync for two reasons. It can be fine tuned quite a lot but you will still have issues like birds, bugs, sudden light changes (sun coming out from clouds) causing false motion alarms. It can always use video based motion detection, which is alright but does cause quite a few false positives. The others native camera integrations from HA, doesn't work well with blueiris rtsp stream, if you succeed to load the stream, it will be 10 sec late, and will bogdown the system (even running in a VM with good amount of resources). Part of RemoteSight's design is to send media streams to SecuritySpy or CaptureSync to be recorded, although RemoteSight is still useful as a standalone application due to its web interface that can be viewed in Safari, Chrome or FireFox. Blue Iris supports two motion detection modes. mjpeg will bog the whole system down because of that. even worse if you want to access it via a vpn, since your upload speed usually is not much.Also, everytime you watch a live camera in HA, the stream, (and network bandwidth) doesn't stop until you fully refresh the browser, changing views doesn't free resources.

The mjpeg is a no-no! considering network bandwidth, it's insane, but it does keep a no latency experience. I concluded that the blueiris integration from hacs does the best job overall, efficient network use and really realtime. I analyzed latency, and network bandwidth use. Including the mjpeg camera intregation to blueiris, generic rtsp, webrtc from hacs, the blueiris integration from hacs, ffmpeg, and probably anything else that there is available in ha, also I kept the direct to camera rtsp to compare I've been doing a LOT of tests regarding the same topic, to compare, I created a new dashboard with various views, each with the same camera achieved by many different integrations.