How do you know? Because you have experienced it a lot. And the thing about that is, when you are singing these songs, and there's truth in the songs, then you tell the congregation or whoever, this is the truth. You know, the Spirit of the Lord is in all of them. If something would happen, just hit a hymn. That's what brings you out of trouble and keep you out of trouble. How did you kind of hone in on the nine you wanted? There must have been hundreds to choose from. But hey, strange things happen every day." There are nine songs on this record and it's going to leave people wanting more. Which, you know, some folks may not believe it. And so when I met you, Mother Perry, I think that's one of the things that we just - we have some of the same favorite songs even.

Because gospel music and old-time music, that's my favorite." Phil, what attracted you to Southern Gospel Music, for a boy from Wisconsin? And you've been down here for a while, but you have really dug into this.ĬOOK: "Well, gospel music and old-time music, that is my favorite. And I just kept going, kept going, kept going. I've been used to singing from a little kid on up. PERRY: "Yes, it's part of my life - all of my life. Where does it come from? That enthusiasm and that spirit? It's infectious.