In reference to our studies about water availability in our planetary system, the study of meteorites coming from asteroids, Moon, Mars or Vesta allow us to confirm that the so-called liquid element was omnipresent all over the outer regions of our solar system. It is well know that the rocky planets were formed from planetesimals accreted under highly reducing conditions, so the origin of water and organics is matter of debate. Among other achievements, we also leaded the characterization of a meteorite find called Claromecó in 2016. On the other hand, we are contributing to the study of meteorite falls in South America with the recent characterization of Cali (2009) and Berduc (2010) chondrite falls occurred in Colombia and Argentina respectively. We are also contributing to the identification of unnoticed meteorite falls like e.g. We have also recovered and characterized the last two Spanish meteorite falls: Villalbeto de la Peña ordinary chondrite in 2004 and Puerto Lápice (2007).

In the field of meteorite characterization our center has being recognized as international repository of NASA Antarctic meteorites.

The study of these primitive materials, authentic building blocks of planets, is of relevance to date and establish the different steps in planetary evolution.Ĭhondritic asteroids, particularly those of carbonaceous nature, are considered the most representative samples of the starting composition of the Sun and the gaseous nebula from which planets formed.
Meteor vs meteoroid vs meteorite free#
The remote follow up of asteroids and comets in different band-pass filters using telescopes allows identifying the surface composition of these fascinating objects, but the meteorites arrived to Earth are free samples delivered from many of them.